# 1Misnomer - How do I register for the Tucson Gem Show?
You don't - the Tucson Gem Show is actually just under 40 individual shows at different venues throughout the City of Tucson during the same two week period at the end of January through the beginning of February.
To pre-register you must go to the website of each show - some allow pre-registration and some don't. The easiest way to accomplish this is to go to the Tucson EZ-Guide page and on the left click through to each show - read the show description - have a look at the vendors that will be exhibiting - and click through to the websites of the shows that work best for you and your business to check for registration information!

You are going to get this answer over and over - the Tucson EZ-Guide page is always the most current information about all of the Tucson Gem Shows: The easiest way to accomplish this is to go to the Tucson EZ-Guide page and on the left click through to each show - read the show description - have a look at the vendors that will be exhibiting - and click through to the websites of the shows that work best for you and your business write down the dates and registration information!
You can also look up the resources you are already using - this gives you the opportunity to talk to the vendor face-to-face and let them know the quality and type of components you need...you will be surprised how many will purchase goods to meet your needs once you've established a personal connection.
Also - ask your peers - odds are that they are going and may have some suggestions! ...there are conversation threads everywhere from the various Artisan Forums to Etsy!
General suggestions: Goldsmiths love the AGTA, GJX and JCK Tucson Shows. Beaders tend to hit the Holidome, Best Bead and Freeway Shows. For Silvermiths and Metal Clay Artisans - the Freeway Shows are a must, the Kino Sports Complex shows and To Bead True Blue.
I can't stay for two weeks - what dates are my best plan?
The easiest way to accomplish this is to go to the Tucson EZ-Guide page and on the left click through to each show - read the show description - have a look at the vendors that will be exhibiting - and click through to the websites of the shows that work best for you and your business write down the dates and registration information!
Once you have a list of shows and dates you can choose the best dates that overlap as many of the shows as possible...don't expect to make it to everything - I have been attending for a decade and still haven't figured out how to do that!
I think that anyone who says I can't afford to go to Tucson is nuts! The best part of Tucson is the education...from the FREE Seminars at the AGTA to the fabulous MJSA "At The Bench" demonstrations in the Tools Hall you will never get the opportunity to talk to the experts gathered for this auspicious event. Antoinette Matlins charges a premium to teach people to use Gemological Instruments - her two seminar "Gem ID" is FREE!
There are also paid courses from GIA and hundreds of workshops on every type of Jewelry Making there is!
The Tucson Bead Show and Too Bead True Blue both offer free demos and paid workshops:
The JOGS Show offers a huge selection of worshops from JewelryTools.com:
Classes at the Whole Bead Show: http://www.wholebead.com/class_AZ14.html
The Best Bead Show has a really fun assortment this year: http://www.bestbeadshow.com/BestBeadShowClasses/BestBeadShowClasses.aspx
This is the assortment of learning opportunities that I was able to find - I am sure there are more...
OK - I know which shows I want to attend but how often will I find myself in the presence of hundreds of Gem & Jewelry companies - how can I expand my horizons?
Don't hibernate in your niche - take an afternoon and head up to the Fine Mineral Show for the most incredible mineral specimens on display...or check out the museum grade Dinosaurs and Fossils at the Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show.
Is there a shuttle or mass transit that can be used to get around town or do I need a car?
Not only are there shuttles but 2014 marks the introduction of "Gem Ride"...from the City of Tucson and Parkwise it is a shuttle around the Downtown shows.
For their latest shuttle info follow: https://www.facebook.com/ParkWiseTucson
...on Twitter @ParkDTTucson
Shuttle information can be found in the free show guides available at the various venues.
More on Gem Ride below...
Bottom Line - check out as much as you can! Enjoy!
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