Friday, February 7, 2014

#TucsonGemShow - Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show - NOW OPEN

I have made no secret of the fact that I LOVE THIS SHOW! ...and with the 2012 addition of the International Mineral Hall it approaches perfection!

I have so many favorites at this show that I could easily bore you to tears! So here are just a few off the top of my head!

Show Info:
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show
at the Riverpark Inn
350 S. Freeway Road

January 31 - February 12, 2014
       10 am - 6:30 pm

Show Promoter : Tucson West Hotel Associates, LLC
Phone: (310) 586-6816

Ah the Pueblo Show...from Steven Bookbinder's giant monolithic crystals at the entrances to the little lady in traditional Hindu garb playing the Singing Bowls....and the magical Treasure Scarves by e-bu Jewelry, there is always something new to take in and with an entire wing of Minerals, this show really ROCKS!


Thomas M. Schneider

R 150, PB 350

In 1980 Tom Schneider began selling facet rough to both the commercial cutter and the hobbyist from his office in San Diego, California. Since then, in pursuit of the finest gem material to be offered at the most reasonable price, he has traveled the world making valuable contacts with miners and trades people. In this stock are not only facet rough but also cut gemstones and now--minerals. A third generation Californian, Tom spent his younger years within the sphere of his parents rock and mineral shop. With a passion for colored stones and gem crystals he has devoted his career to the gem trade, incorporating a philosophy of honesty and integrity in his business dealings. You will enjoy working with his team.

High Desert Gems & Minerals 
January 31 - February 12 
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show Rm. 150 
South Freeway, Tucson

High Desert Gems & Minerals is a gemstone mining company. We own mines in Oregon, Nevada, and California, including the famous Himalaya Tourmaline Mine near San Diego, CA and Spectrum Sunstone Mines near Plush, OR. Find out about our NEW SUNSTONE DEPOSIT at Spectrum Mine! Our other gemstone mines include Variscite, Nevada Turquoise, Opal, Mt. Airy Blue Chalcedony TM, Namibian Blue Chalcedony, Lavender Chalcedony, Purple Chalcedony, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst scepters, Fire Agate, Vesuvianite, and Gold.

Carved Things - Things with Skulls

Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show  CP 35-38


TaiWoo Pearl
(brings stacks of pearly goodness in the tent.)
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show
White Tent in Parking Lot

John Dyer Gems
( 3 Award Winning gems in 2014) 
Riverpark Inn / Pueblo Gem Show
Court Pavilion Booth #1
Jan. 31st-Feb.12th, 2014
10 AM - 7 PM daily

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