Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tucson 2012: Vendors, Vendors, Vendors...

"One new piece that I am exceptionally excited about is the Olive branch bib necklace. As beautiful as it looks in pictures, it's even more stunning around the neck. This bold statement piece effortlessly fills in the neckline."                         Aaron Henry

Gene McDevitt
McDevitt Opal Mining
GJX Gem & Jewelry Show - Booth 105
198 S. Granada
January 31 - February 5, 2012
Hours: Jan. 31 - Feb. 4, 10am-6pm; 
Feb. 5*, 10:00am to 4:00pm.
*No buyers admitted after 3pm on Feb. 6. 

Tucson 2012

We are so excited to be bringing you 100+ classes this year at Tucson Electric Park (TEP) this January 28-February 12, 2012. We have pulled together a very impressive international team of instructors to bring you the largest selection of classes available in Tucson.

The Cortez Pearl @ Tucson
 GJX Show in the tent - Booth #508
(across from the Tucson Convention Center)

"This year we have a couple of things to show our visitors, including a magnificent multi-colored Cortez Pearl necklace: the first one for the year 2012. This particular necklace (code 2012-A) was on the designing table since 2009 and our associate Manuel Nava found the necessary pearls to finalize it just this new year. Although it does not contain any pearls from this year’s harvest, we decided to give it this year’s blessings.

We will also have our usual assortment of loose Cortez Cultured Pearls, Mabe Pearls (including some blisters) and some Silver Jewelry items. So, come on over and check out our unique pearls, learn how difficult it is to grow these Fair Trade beauties and get all the information straight from the oyster’s mouth: we’ll be happy to share a moment with you. "

High Desert Gems & Minerals is a gemstone mining company. We own mines in Oregon, Nevada, and California, including the famous Himalaya Tourmaline Mine near San Diego, CA and Spectrum Sunstone Mines near Plush, OR. Find out about our NEW SUNSTONE DEPOSIT at Spectrum MineOur other gemstone mines include Variscite, Nevada Turquoise, Opal, Mt. Airy Blue Chalcedony TM, Namibian Blue Chalcedony, Lavender Chalcedony, Purple Chalcedony, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst scepters, Fire Agate, Vesuvianite, and Gold.  

Jan 28th - Feb 9th: Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show The Riverpark Inn 350 South Freeway, Tucson, AZ 85745. Room 109.
February 9th - 12th:  58th Annual Tucson Gem & Mineral Society Gem Show “Minerals of Arizona” theme. Convention Center, Tucson, AZ
GEMS IN GEMS - Marco Campos Venuti, PhD
January 28 to February 9:  Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show (Riverpark Inn) in Room 113
January 31 to February 5:  We will have also a booth 917 – main tent in the GJX Show 
Please come inside in the room and visit us at the GJX booth 917
Marco says "We will be glad to drink a beer with you (please don’t forget to bring the beer, because we don’t have a fridge) talking about the many new stones we have and making some business."
Gems in Gems offers what is probably the widest selection of Quartz with "Stuff" in it that you are likely to see!  Quartz with Emerald Crystals -  Quartz with celsian and ankangite, Quartz with anatase, Quartz with rutile and dolomite, Quartz with euhedral pyrite, Quartz with tourmaline, Quartz with actinolite,  Green quartz with hedembergite from Greece, 
“Paraiba” quartz (the famous quartz with gilalite inclusions),   “Leopard” aguamarine,
Madammolite (iridescent ammonite from Madagascar, published in the last issue of Gems and gemology) to list just a few.
Ruby slices from Mozambique,
Rare gemstones, as hackmanite, amblygonite, petalite, sphalerite, inesite, chrysoberyl, sphene, leucite, ametrine, yellow smithsonite, blue and Ethiopian opal, cat’s eye aguamarine and tourmaline and many more.


  1. Does Gems in Gems have a website? I live in Australia and love gemstones with inclusions. Saving to go to Tucson next year but would love to check out Marco's gemstones earlier if possible!

  2. Sorry - none that I know of.

    I will try to get some really good photos in his room with his email for you - keep an eye on the blog and Facebook page.

    He is really great to work with.



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