Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day One - Already Over Whelmed!!!

Slept in this morning and really got a refreshed start to the day!  ...I thought!

Yes, I knew as soon as I packed all those long sleeved shirts that it would be hot and it is GLORIOUS!

Ann Marie and I headed out to the Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show.  It is no secret that this is one of my favorite and this year is no exception...

At the Moldavite & Sugilite Co. Booth and the day started with rings -  Peridot Rings...

Rose Quartz Rings....

...oh and did I mention Rings?  Labradorite Rings!

...and Sugilite & Labradorite micro-faceted strands.

I really wish I could have gotten a better shot of the Opal - it is amazing.


  1. Thanks for sharing a very fun post. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Good job!

  2. Thanks for commenting Foredom - are there any events demoing your product this year?

  3. I'm heading to Tucson on Thursday. Anything I shouldn't miss? I usually do JOGS, GLW, Best and JGX.

  4. Jill - if you have time check out the GlobeX and Pueblo shows - they are right under the freeway from the GJX.

    ...personally - I love the Seminars at the AGTA Show.


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